Tailor-made design and aerial services for industry and science.
Tailor-made design and aerial services for industry and science.
DOA – Engineering
AVdef Design Office has been granted with an EASA Design Organisation Approval in 2009 (EASA DOA ref 21J.327).
The core business of our DOA is the integration and certification of airborne mission systems, on any type of small aircraft (CS-23) or large aircraft (CS-25).
See our terms of approval and privileges here).
Engineering and certification
We take in charge the aircraft integration of your system or equipment up to its EASA certification.
We operate on all types of aircraft, and obviously those belonging to AVdef fleet which can be customized at will (Test Bench Aircraft with dedicated energy supply for the customer system, external hardpoints etc.).
Flight test service (Development, certification)
AVdef DOA Flight Test Organisation comprises Flight test pilots and engineers, and also flight test means.
Flight tests can be performed on AVdef aircraft or any other aircraft, whether or not the modification is designed by AVdef DOA.
The DOA strengths inside AVdef:
- To offer a complete and integrated service, from initial design to flights
- A team of reactive, pragmatic, highly-skilled folks knowing flight operations.
DOA – Engineering
AVdef Design Office has been granted with an EASA Design Organisation Approval in 2009 (EASA DOA ref 21J.327).
The core business of our DOA is the integration and certification of airborne mission systems, on any type of small aircraft (CS-23) or large aircraft (CS-25).
See our terms of approval and privileges here).
Engineering and certification
We take in charge the aircraft integration of your system or equipment up to its EASA certification.
We operate on all types of aircraft, and obviously those belonging to AVdef fleet which can be customized at will (Test Bench Aircraft with dedicated energy supply for the customer system, external hardpoints etc.).
Flight test service (Development, certification)
AVdef DOA Flight Test Organisation comprises Flight test pilots and engineers, and also flight test means.
Flight tests can be performed on AVdef aircraft or any other aircraft, whether or not the modification is designed by AVdef DOA.
The DOA strengths inside AVdef:
- To offer a complete and integrated service, from initial design to flights
- A team of reactive, pragmatic, highly-skilled folks knowing flight operations.
Some achievements
Avion banc d’essais pour THALES (Topmax) sur Reims-Cessna F406
Avion démonstrateur des capacités ISR sur Cirrus SR-22

-Tourelle optronique TASE400HD en pod latéral
-Ground datalink LOS, Satcom et AIS (en soute et antennes associées)
-Console opérateur en cabine
-Certification EASA
-Démonstration au Bourget 2015
Avion démonstrateur des capacités ISR sur Reims-Cessna F406
-Ground datalink, Radio cryptée de mission et AIS (en soute avionique , cabine et antennes associées)
-Console opérateur en cabine
-Certification EASA
Avion banc d’essais pour MBDA (DDM Spectra) sur Beech 200
Pods SETHI2 pour l’ONERA sur Falcon 20
-Intégration de baies électroniques et consoles opérateurs en cabine
-Suivi des évolutions de charge utile (8 évolutions entre 2008 et 2015) et certifications EASA
-Réalisation des campagnes de mesures : AFRISAR (Gabon, 2015), POLLUPROOF (Méditerranée, 2015), I2C (France, 2014), NOFO (Norvège, 2011 et 2015), TROPISAR (Guyane, 2009)…
Some achievements
Avion banc d’essais pour THALES (Topmax) sur Reims-Cessna F406
Avion démonstrateur des capacités ISR sur Cirrus SR-22

-Tourelle optronique TASE400HD en pod latéral
-Ground datalink LOS, Satcom et AIS (en soute et antennes associées)
-Console opérateur en cabine
-Certification EASA
-Démonstration au Bourget 2015
Avion démonstrateur des capacités ISR sur Reims-Cessna F406
-Ground datalink, Radio cryptée de mission et AIS (en soute avionique , cabine et antennes associées)
-Console opérateur en cabine
-Certification EASA
Avion banc d’essais pour MBDA (DDM Spectra) sur Beech 200
Pods SETHI2 pour l’ONERA sur Falcon 20
-Intégration de baies électroniques et consoles opérateurs en cabine
-Suivi des évolutions de charge utile (8 évolutions entre 2008 et 2015) et certifications EASA
-Réalisation des campagnes de mesures : AFRISAR (Gabon, 2015), POLLUPROOF (Méditerranée, 2015), I2C (France, 2014), NOFO (Norvège, 2011 et 2015), TROPISAR (Guyane, 2009)…
Contact us
Aéroport de Nîmes Arles Camargue
30800 – Saint Gilles
Contact us
Aéroport de Nîmes Arles Camargue
30800 – Saint Gilles