AVdef, aerial service for the French
and foreign armed forces
AVDEF, aerial service for the French and foreign armed forces
Missions :
Missions :
Target towing
Equipped with two underwing winches, the Falcon 20 is capable of towing two different targets, successively or simultaneously.
The targets used for Gunnery or Ground-to-Air, Surface-to-Air, Air-to-Air missiles are distinguished by their equipment, altitude and towing or dropping distance.

Electronic Warfare
Area surveillance
For these purposes, it is equipped with a complete maritime surveillance suite (OM400 radar, Electro-Optic/Infra-Red equipment, AIS, SAMSARA mission management console, etc.).

Flying staff school
Inside the cabin, five workstations recreate the architecture of a maritime patrol aircraft. Embarkment of observers is also possible.
The mission equipment include:
– An omni-directional radar (360 °) with surveillance, search functions…
– A mission calculator allowing the monitoring of the tactical situation
– An AIS receiver
– A simulator generating tactical scenarios for operators training
– HF-VHF-VHF Marine -UHF tactical communication equipment
Target towing
AVdef offers several types of towed or gliding targets.
Equipped with two underwing winches, the Falcon 20 is capable of towing two different targets, successively or simultaneously.
The targets used for Gunnery or Ground-to-Air, Surface-to-Air, Air-to-Air missiles are distinguished by their equipment, altitude and towing or dropping distance.

Electronic warfare
The Falcon 20 are modified and equipped to train the armed forces in electromagnetic environment (threat simulations and jamming).

Area surveillance
Our F406 is equipped to perform surveillance missions (Gunnery area cleaning before live fire. Coastal, Maritime, Fishing area surveillance, Pollution control).
For these purposes, it is equipped with a complete maritime surveillance suite (OM400 radar, Electro-Optic/Infra-Red equipment, AIS, SAMSARA mission management console, etc.).

Flying staff school
AVdef makes available its two Jetstream 41s, modified to allow the airborne training of all non-pilot flying personnel of French Navy (Naval aviation).
Inside the cabin, five workstations recreate the architecture of a maritime patrol aircraft. Embarkment of observers is also possible.

– An omni-directional radar (360 °) with surveillance, search functions…
– A mission calculator allowing the monitoring of the tactical situation
– An AIS receiver
– A simulator generating tactical scenarios for operators training
– HF-VHF-VHF Marine -UHF tactical communication equipment

Contact us
Aéroport de Nîmes Arles Camargue
30800 – Saint Gilles
Contact us
Aéroport de Nîmes Arles Camargue
30800 – Saint Gilles